Rejuvenation Therapy / Body Purification Therapy
The various cells and tissues of the body undergo changes as age advances. So it is necessary to rejuvenate the body systems for better harmony of the Body, Mind and Soul. Aimed at achieving this goal, the Rejuvenation Therapy includes synchronizing Body Massage by 2 therapists with Medicated Oil or Cream, also with Sirodhara, Medicated Steam Bath along with internal Medicines.
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Ayurveda Anti-Aging Programme
This is the prime treatment in Ayurveda for reducing ageing processes, arresting the degeneration of the body cells and increasing the immunity of the body. Giving RASAYANA (Very Special Ayurvedic Medicine) internally is the main part of this programme, Panchakarma and Swedakarma treatments. The 22 days package programme includes body massage, snehapanam, nasyam and so on.
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Stress Management / Manasanthi Programme
This is a combination of yoga, meditation and Ayurveda therapy in a holistic method. This treatment is very effective for stress management as well as for turning your body and mind helping you to attain the temperance of mind. This therapy is 3 to 4 hours per day for 10days including yoga, meditation, rejuvenation therapy, dhara, njavarakizhi, thalam, herbal steam bath, mudpack etc.
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